Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Yipper Dog Didn't Yip

Date: 8/11/09
Place: Skye Wynd (back yard at my house), Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12'
Wind: 0 - 0.5 mph
Weather: Sunny, 77º

I flew from a bit before sunset until it got too dark to fly in the smallish area that makes up my backyard. I did the usual Echo tricks (360s, up-and-overs). There is a small dog across the back chain-link fence that barks, or rather it yips, most of the time and especially when I am out. This time it maybe yipped a couple times, and then ignored me -- yeah! I did well backing up on the uneven ground.

It was nice to fly again with no wind. It seems that whenever I "have" to fly one kite (i.e. a full-size kite) too many times in a row, that it's really nice to fly anther kite (i.e. a no-wind kite) -- and vice versa.

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