Sunday, August 2, 2009

Photos? Police Car?

Date: 8/2/09
Place: Skye Wynd (back yard at my house), Columbia, MO
Kites: Tumbling Cube on variable'
Wind: 0 - 3 mph, SW
Weather: Sunny, 84ยบ

I flew my Tumbling Cube kite in the back yard. It was very fun to fly. It flew very well even though the wind was very squirrely. This kite seems to handle unstable winds quite well. The "weird" breezes just make it tumble a little more strangely.

Later Annett told me she saw the light flashing off the kite's Mylar onto the living room walls and her first thought was that I was taking flash pictures. Her second thought was that there was a police car outside with its lights flashing. :^)

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