Saturday, August 1, 2009

Fading In and Out

Date: 8/1/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12'
Wind: 0 - 2.5 mph, ESE - E - SE
Weather: Cloudy, 65º

I flew the Echo at Cosmo and shot some more video of me flying my Echo. I propped the camera with its little tripod on top of a recycle bin at the edge of the grass aimed towards two trees. Then while flying I tried to fly the kite as much as possible between the camera and the two trees.

I had a couple of really great fades moving towards and then away from the camera including one that I flew the kite out of the fade back into regular flying. There was less wind at the start of the fly (360s and up-and-overs) and then it picked up a bit (axels and loops).

This was a Sat. and the Show-Me Games are still on, so when the soccer players started arriving I packed up and moved to the ARC field near where the Farmer's market was happening.

Place: ARC field, Columbia, MO
Kites: 3d on 20'
Wind: 1 - 3 mph, SE
Weather: Cloudy, 68º

The wind was just enough to make it very hard to fly 360s, but I was able to do a few of them. I flew a lot of loops and axels, with some of the axels very flat and low to the ground.

A young man named Tyler who will be a 3rd grader came over to talk to me and watch. I let him "help" me launch the kite a few times.

I packed up and went to buy a very yummy breakfast burrito at the Farmer's Market. As I left the market it started raining -- perfect timing for me not to get wet.

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