Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cool Ground Fog!

Date: 8/23/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12'
Wind: 0 - 0.25 mph
Weather: Ground Fog, then Sunny, 54º

I arrived at Cosmo Park shortly before the sun did. And there was very cool ground fog for a while and no wind, not even a slight breeze! It was kind of magical to fly the Echo with the foggy background.

With no wind the Echo flew very well, the conditions that it was meant to fly in. And I got a great workout. I did lots of the usual 360s, up-and-overs, and axels.

After the sun came up some of the axels were directly in the sun and being blinded (temporarily) by the light and was flying for a few seconds only by the feel and tension of the lines.

The kite got wet from the grass after a while, but it still seemed to fly OK. I took a photo of my tracks in the dewy grass.

Before I left I flew my Tumbling Cube kite for a while.

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