Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Three KIte Morning

Date: 8/22/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12', 3d on 20', E2 on 85'
Wind: 3 - 8 mph, NE
Weather: Sunny, 61º

It is cooler today and should be a beautiful day with a high of 77º. I slept in until 6:00 and so missed flying during the sunrise. The grass was extremely wet again. That seems to be the rule here.

I started flying the Echo and it did OK, but it really does best with no wind at all and today started out with a lite, but gusty wind. I only pulled off one 360 during a lull in the wind. I soon decided to switch to the 3d. It flew better than the Echo, but still ended up crashing a lot. The bottom spreader even came out a few times. I was video'ing the flying and that probably caused the kite to crash more often :^)

The wind picked up and so I thought it would be fun to fly the E2, too. And it was! The wind was maybe a little on the lite side for the E2. I was able to pull off a 540 on the right and then on the left. Backspins worked OK, but these days they generally end up on the ground after the backspin part. So I need to work on those sometime. It may be that I'm not moving forward enough, or possibly that I'm pulling slightly at the wrong time causing a drop in altitude.

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