Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Beautilful Sun-Zephyr-rise

Date: 8/25/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Zephyr on 70'
Wind: 3 - 7 mph, S
Weather: Sunny (sunrise), 62º

So I had a Zephyr sunset yesterday and a Zephyr sunrise today! The wind direction changed during the night so, although not directly back lit like last night, I still got a few nice kite/sun colors with the sun more or less behind the Zephyr.

I got one 540 on the left and some nice flic-flacs. I kind of "went with the flow of the wind" and got some un-expected combos. (The wind was flying me kite.) No backspins, but I did get some nice down-wind glides. The dewy grass got the kite wet, but it didn't seem to affect the Zephyr much.

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