Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Grass On Kite

Date: 8/19/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 4 - 8 mph, SE
Weather: Mostly cloudy, 69º

The grass was wet and freshly cut. Grass was soon stuck all over the wet E2 -- lots of it. This made the kite heavy, and with a lite squirlly wind it made for tricky and rather frustrating flying. I did get a few decent tricks in such as some good flic-flacs, but mostly it was a strange morning with the kite not flying well and me not flying it well either. The kite was often on the ground with not enough wind to get it up for long. It seems that my backspins are often ending up in dead launches on the ground rather than flying off to do some other nifty trick. Maybe I'm initiating them too low.

On the bright side, the top spreader didn't come out even once. And there was a decent sunrise. That's always welcome. Mister sun is getting up later and later, though, providing less usuable flying time before work.

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