Monday, August 24, 2009

A Beautilful Sun-Zephyr-set

Date: 8/24/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Zephyr on 70'
Wind: 3 - 7 mph, E
Weather: Sunny (sunset), 73º

I flew my Zephyr at sunset and with an east wind the kite was between me and the sun. The different "cuts" of nylon and the translucent panels shimmered as the kite changed angles with the light making for a very beautiful display, that I didn't anticipate.

I flew a few yo-yos -- I'm still not too good at initiating them. I did one 540 -- the Zephyr is not so good at those (may be the driver). And some very solid fades.

I ended the evening by flying too close to a tree and draping my lines over the branches. It was time to go anyway so I just unhooked the lines from the kite and they pulled easily out of the tree.

All in all, it was a fun, but a little short, beautiful evening. As I was almost out of Cosmo Park a deer ran across the pavement in front of my van.

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