Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tree almost ate my Echo

Date: 7/19/09
Place: Again Street Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12'
Wind: 0 - 3 mph
Weather: Sunny, 67º

It was a nice morning, sunny, with a lite breeze. But I discovered some things that make for a poor place to fly a kite: long grass, very wet grass, trees too close causing squirrely winds/breezes, not enough space, having to have a constant vigilance of where you are in relation to trees and other obstacles. Not paying attention enough, I fly my kite too close to a tree and it was momentarily caught in a tree branch. Luckily it came down without any damage. Whew!

The Echo flew some nice 360s, up-and-overs, and slow axels. This kite is very fun to fly!

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