Tuesday, July 28, 2009

No Morning Dew (Dry Grass)!

Date: 7/28/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12'
Wind: 0 - 1 mph
Weather: Mostly sunny with a nice sunrise, 68º

This was the first morning in a long time that the grass at Cosmo Park was not wet with the morning dew! And there was a very nice sunrise.

There was a circle outlined at the center of the soccer field. So I played a game I call, "Fly the Kite as Long as Possible While Staying within the Circle." OK, I need to come up with a better name for this game. I was mostly successful which means I'm definitely getting better at flying the Echo with very little or no wind.

I had extra fun this morning! Maybe even more than my share of fun (someone else somewhere is not using all their fun, so I was able to have more of it!).

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