Sunday, July 5, 2009

3d in Cooper (Pooper) Park

Date: 7/5/09
Place: Cooper Park, Bozeman, MT
Kites: 3d on 12'
Wind: 0 mph
Weather: Sunny, 60º

I flew at 8:00 in the morning and although it had not rained and there was no dew, the grass was still wet because the city had their sprinkler system going during the night, a smart idea, but not ideal for me to fly my kite. I had been looking forward to morning flying on dry grass. Oh, well.

Cooper Park is nicknamed locally as "Cooper Pooper Park," due to lots of dog owners frequenting the park with their dogs) And several dogs did stop by this morning. You could tell that the dogs hadn't seen kites before and that they didn't know whether to chase the kite or run away from it.

I flew some nice 360s and axels and got a good workout.

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