Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Kite in My Own Back Yard

Date: 7/25/09
Place: Skye Wynd (back yard at my house), Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12' and 6'
Wind: 0 mph
Weather: Cloudy, 68º

This was the first time I've flown a kite in my own backyard (except for the short fade practice once with my E2). I flew lots of 360s, up-and-overs, and slow axels. I had to pay extra attention that I didn't get too close to the trees, power line, or my house. It was a humid sweaty workout, but it was kind of nice not having to drive anywhere. It was also a good idea to fly on the 12' lines first when I had more energy, then fly on the short 6' lines when I was more tired.

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