Wednesday, July 22, 2009

3d 360s on 20' lines

Date: 7/22/09

Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: 3d on 20'
Wind: 0.75 - 3.5 mph, NNW
Weather: Partly cloudy sunrise, 70º

Today had a sunrise with soft fuzzy clouds and some beautiful pastel colours -- very nice!

I was actually able to pull some 360s with 20' lines! I've done a lot of 360s on shorter lines, but I don't think I've done 360s with 20' lines before. I also did some nice axels and loops.

Place: ? Park (bordered by Stewart and Garth and Broadway), Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12'
Wind: 1 - 3 mph
Weather: Sunny, 80º in the shade

I flew my Echo for only about 15 minutes because it was so warm. Also, I had come to the park directly after work so I had jeans on -- too hot for exercising today. The wind was a little gusty and very squirrely due to being too close to trees. But I was able to do some up-and-overs, as well as, the usual loops and axels.

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