Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Took a Trip

Date: 7/29/09
Place: Skye Wynd (back yard at my house), Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12'
Wind: 0 - 2 mph
Weather: Sunny, 70º

I flew a lot of 360s and up-and-overs. And due to the uneven lawn in my backyard and walking backwards to fly the kite, I tripped landing on my butt/back. The grass made for a soft landing. The kite crashed, too, but came out of the incident unscathed (like me).

I "discovered" that if the kite is flying fast enough during a 360, then the wind or a small gust of wind has less effect on the kite. Normally, a bit of wind blowing from the kite towards you will cause the kite to lose its lift and crash. How fast do you need to fly the kite? For lack of interest in doing the math and physics, experience will have to tell me the answer.

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