Saturday, July 18, 2009


Date: 7/18/09
Place: Lawn next to Shelter Gardens, Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12'
Wind: 0 - 2 mph
Weather: Mostly sunny, 67º

Today was my new Echo's first flight! It flys great!

360s are easy. And up-and-overs work great as long as there is no or very little wind. It is much more floaty than my 3d. It helicopters down very nicely! Axels are not very snappy, but I think that's because this kite is designed to be floaty. I would like to fly this kite inside in true no-wind conditions.

Its colors are a less bright than I imagined they would be. But the colors do seem to fit very well with the dreamy, floaty style of this kite.

I like this kite already!

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