Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Zephyr's 1st Flight

Date: 3/25/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines, Zephyr on 75', 3d on 10'
Wind: 6 - 0 mph, NW-W-SW (mostly W, a "zephyr" wind)
Weather: Partly cloudy, 54ยบ

It rained and the wind blew way too hard the last few days. So today I waited until the wind was dying down at the end of the day to go fly on a slightly soggy soccer field.

With the wind still blowing, I started out with my E2. It's new lower leading edge arrived today and I installed it (an easy substitution). The E2 flew slowly, but fades and flares (and therefore flic-flacs) worked very well. I actually did three flic-flacs in a row!

The wind started dying down and so I got out the green Zephyr that arrived two days ago. I flew it on the shorter line set that it came with, 75' of 50# spectra (the other set is 100' of 90#). It flew well, but the wind rapidly died down so I wasn't really able to try many tricks. I'm pretty sure that it's fades are more solid than the E2's. It makes a slight buzzing sound that can be adjusted or eliminated by adjusting the leechline. I'll have to learn more about the other effects and purposes of the leechline.

The wind died down even more and so still needing some exercise, I flew the 3d. I flew some nice relatively tight 360's and a few axels. Fun.

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