Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mara's Birthday/Kite Party - Broken Spar

Date: 3/22/09 (12th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines, Dragon Kite
Wind: 6 - 14 mph, ESE
Weather: Partly cloudy, 65ยบ

I attended Mara Ackers' birthday party (she is now 4). She is the daughter of some Irish music friends here in Columbia. She and her friends colored/decorated "sled" kites and then flew them. Actually, not too many of them flew for very long - the kids had short attention spans. The party's location in Cosmo Park had some wind, but it was rather gusty due to being too close to a shelter and to trees. Kites flew OK once you got them up a ways. For a short while I flew a rainbow-colored mylar dragon kite that I bought a long time ago and probably had never flown. Then I got my E2 out to show them some of its tricks. With the wind not being steady and then mostly too strong, I wasn't able to do all of the tricks I can normally do. But they enjoyed watching it loop around the sky. Of course the kids wanted to fly it, which didn't happen. If the kite gets broken, I want it to be me that breaks it... (less hard feelings)

Towards the end I was starting to launch it and noticed an odd wobble. I checked it out and it looks like I've broken a lower leading-edge spar :^( Actually, I'm a little surprised that I haven't broken any spars previously. When I bought this E2 kite I figured that it would probably take some abuse as I started learning more difficult tricks.

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