Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th - Another hole - Top Spreader Popoffs

Date: 3/13/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 2 - 9 mph, NE-SE
Weather: Sunny, 43º

A nice day, again similar to yesterday, but warmer and with a bit less wind.

I am having problems with 1/2 the 1/2 axels, the ones with the kite flying in from the left and out to the right. The other direction is working mostly very well (but not perfect, yet).

Today the top spreader popping out lots problem got very frustrating. If "Top Spreader Popoffs" were a trick, I would be rather good at it already. And on one occasion, the spreader tore a small hole in the sail (of course, it is Friday the 13th). I will be calling Prism on Monday to see when/if the new part has been sent out.

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