Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Flic-Flac, Flic-Flac

Date: 3/4/09 (11th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines, Jeff's Silver Fox on 100' lines
Wind: 4 - 11 mph, S-SE
Weather: Mostly sunny, 60ยบ

I drove out to fly with Jeff Marshall during his lunch hour. The place he flys is a street, Trade Winds Parkway (a good name for kiting), that probably is destined to become a sub division. Right now it is just fields, which today were muddy enough that I didn't get out my E2. Instead I chatted with Jeff while he flew (if we were both flying at the same time, we'd be yelling across the field to talk). I did flew his Silver Fox kite a couple of times. It is slower, wants to back flip more, and is harder to axel (for me) than my E2. Jeff is learning the axel.

After his lunch hour was over and since it was such a nice day, I drove back to Cosmo Park in Columbia.

The wind was very nice and I was able to do most all of the tricks I've been practicing, though some of the recent new tricks I only did once or twice (axel to a fade, flare to fade).

The new trick for today was a flic-flac! In a flic-flac you go continuously back and forth from a fade to a flare. I heard somewhere that you have to do at least two to call it a flic-flac, ie. starting from a fade: flare-fade-flare-fade. I was able to do the minimum number today, but only once. Other attempts didn't work at all.

My half-axels are coming along. They are not often very clean, but sometimes one will look really good. Apparently, with my E2, the first input I need to do is a push input on the top wing, instead of a pop of the bottom wing. This may be just an idiotsyncracy with my kite, or I might not be doing the lower-wing pop correctly.

I was "interrupted" twice with cellphone calls while flying today. I had to land and secure the kite very quickly and then answer the call. It was good that I answered because it was about a job interview!

A good (long) day of flying!

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