Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Flare in the Air ... to a Fade

Date: 3/2/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 1 - 10 mph, NE-ESE
Weather: Partly sunny, 34º

This was a flustrating day. the wind seemed to vary direction and speed from moment to moment. I had a lot of wing tip tangles. The sail tensioner I just received from Prism didn't stay tied (it might be the wrong length?).

I had some good fades (especially considering the wind).

New trick (for me): I did a flare (in the air) to a fade!

Half-axels: After doing some research online, I discovered that what I was doing for this trick was not quite correct. Being a bit dyslexic is not helping for htis trick. Trying to do it the correct way mostly just caused a lot of crashes :^( I was able to do a couple rather sloppy ones though.

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