Sunday, March 1, 2009

Almost Like Yesterday Once More

Date: 3/1/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 3 - 6 mph, N-NNW
Weather: Partly sunny (sunset), 30º

Today's wind was almost identical to yesterday's! Again I was able to launch a bunch of times from the ground into fades and then control those fades.The half-axels where OK, too. (Actually, I'm not sure now if what I'm doing is really a half-axel or not. I'll look for some more info online.)

One new thing that happened was I accidentally did something (axel-ish) about halfway up the side of the wind window and ended up in a fade which I was able to hold and then, when I wanted to do it, lateral rolled out to a normal flying position!

I did one downwind glide, but had to run fairly fast to hold it for a ways.

Another fun day for flying - maybe a little chilly. I flew about an hour until it was too dark (with sunglasses on) to see the lines.

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