Sunday, March 29, 2009

Demo for Annett

Date: 3/29/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 7 - 2 mph, W
Weather: Sunny, 48º

Today I flew at the end of the day as the wind finally died down enough to fly. Too much wind earlier.

This was the first time Annett (my wife) has watched me fly a stunt kite! The wind was good for a little demo and I was mostly able to do the regular tricks I've been practicing including a good fade and an OK flic-flac. Upon questioning her later, it was clear that she wasn't always sure what she was watching at times, especially the flic-flac. Maybe you have to watch with a little knowledge to understand what's happening. And it would probably help to be more precise at doing the tricks and repeating them a few more times.

After the short demo, Annett went for an exercise walk in the park while I flew some more. The wind slowly died down to where it was a struggle to keep the kite up. I did get one extra-medium sized line tangle, and, of course, it happened just as the wind picked up a bit from zero.

It was a beautiful evening for flying.

(As I write this post, March seems to be going out like a lion. Too much wind for the kites I currently own! Also, I'm still waiting for the Zephyr bridle from Prism.)

(Note: I didn't fly on the following days in March: 9, 10, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31 (that's 7 days).)

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