Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thanks to DST, 15 days in a row!

Date: 3/8/09 (15th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 15 - 8 mph, W
Weather: Cloudy (with an orange sun sunset), 52ยบ

Most of March 7th and 8th had way too much wind to even think of flying a kite (OK, I still thought about flying). The wind finally calmed down around sunset on the 8th, which thanks to daylight savings time starting today, was an hour later.

I practiced the usual tricks, with most working decently. I even pulled off a few flares to fades. But, as the wind got better the day got darker (this often happens at dusk (actually, always for the light, and often for the wind)).

So as I write this (the next day) I know for sure that the "flying 15 days in a row" is now a record for me, and is one that may not get broken for a while - the forecast is for rain. We'll see.

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