Tuesday, March 3, 2009

First Axel to Fade - Two coin Tosses! - and a Hole - and a Wren

Date: 3/3/09 (10th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 6 - 14 mph (a bit gusty), SW-WSW
Weather: Partly sunny (sunset), 41ยบ

First, to get the bad news out of the way: One end of the top spreader still keeps coming out. When I talked to Prism support (Brent was great) to resolve the sail tensioner problem, I also mentioned the top spreader. He thinks that the fittings are too old/loose so he will send me a couple of new ones that should fix the problem. In the mean time, the top spreader came out today and ripped a half-inch hole in the sail (right next to the other repaired hole). I still flew it for another half hour, but was more careful with what tricks I tried. This evening I fixed the hole with Tedlar Tape.

Now for the good stuff - I had two "first time for a trick" tricks today, an axel to a (controlled) fade (to a lateral roll), and twice I did a Coin Toss! A Coin Toss is where the kite has only one wing tip on the ground (a wing tip stand), then you launch immediately into an axel, exiting the axel into a wing tip stand on the other wing tip. The other times I tried this it axeled to a crash.

I've ordered a Wren (green and purple). This is a kite that was no longer available, but now apparently is available again. Herb at "Mainframe Kite Shop" did the checking on this for me - thank you, Herb! It will be a couple weeks before its ready. According to a bunch of people, the Wren is a great first kite for indoor (or no wind) flying. It is supposted to be very "floaty." Now I have to do some more leg work to find an indoor venue for flying.

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