Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Dog Ate My...

Date: 3/7/09 (14th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 18 - 22 mph, S
Weather: Sunny, 67º (at 8:30 AM)

Well, today the wind was too strong. I went out early hoping to fly before it got extra too strong, but only partially succeeded. I was able to do a few side slides, half-axels, axels, and a back flip or two, before the wind picked up and I was afraid I would break something or not be able to land easily.

In the middle of my time at the park, just after untangling my lines and with the kite staked out and still on the ground, I saw two Great Pyrenees dogs, very large with very thick white fur, coming towards me to check me out. They were very friendly. The younger one, after saying, "Hi (woof)," immediately went over towards my kite lines. I went after him, hoping to prevent a line tangle, and, with one bite, he snapped through the line. Not good :^( After explaining to the owner, about the cost of these high-tech spectra lines, he gave me twenty bucks toward some new lines. Luckily, I had a backup set of lines, which allowed me to fly (or get dragged around) for another half hour before packing up to head home. And soon I will get to learn how to sleeve and set up the lines as a short set, maybe 50' long.

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