Saturday, March 28, 2009

Don't Clean Your Kite With a Vacuum Cleaner!

(no flying today - it's raining now and is supposed to snow later)

I had owned my Zephyr for only about 5 days, and had flown it only twice. I left the Zephyr and the E2 mostly put together (only the standoffs undone) leaning against the wall in the living room hallway. My wife then vacuumed that area (already vacuumed by me sans kites) on her way to putting the vacuum away. The brush roller snagged and sucked up one of the Zephyr's long bridle pigtails, and basically ripped it up. The rest of the kite was not damaged. The Zephyr has extra long pigtails to attach to the flying lines. The extra length is so that the bridle/pigtails/flying lines don't snag on the kite when doing yo-yo/roll-up type moves.

I called Prism to order a new bridle and described what had happened - and told them the truth about it :^) They were great! They will be sending me a whole new bridle (should have shipped on 3/27) at no charge!

Moral: Don't use a vacuum to clean a kite -- it sucks!

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