Sunday, March 29, 2009

Demo for Annett

Date: 3/29/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 7 - 2 mph, W
Weather: Sunny, 48º

Today I flew at the end of the day as the wind finally died down enough to fly. Too much wind earlier.

This was the first time Annett (my wife) has watched me fly a stunt kite! The wind was good for a little demo and I was mostly able to do the regular tricks I've been practicing including a good fade and an OK flic-flac. Upon questioning her later, it was clear that she wasn't always sure what she was watching at times, especially the flic-flac. Maybe you have to watch with a little knowledge to understand what's happening. And it would probably help to be more precise at doing the tricks and repeating them a few more times.

After the short demo, Annett went for an exercise walk in the park while I flew some more. The wind slowly died down to where it was a struggle to keep the kite up. I did get one extra-medium sized line tangle, and, of course, it happened just as the wind picked up a bit from zero.

It was a beautiful evening for flying.

(As I write this post, March seems to be going out like a lion. Too much wind for the kites I currently own! Also, I'm still waiting for the Zephyr bridle from Prism.)

(Note: I didn't fly on the following days in March: 9, 10, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31 (that's 7 days).)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Don't Clean Your Kite With a Vacuum Cleaner!

(no flying today - it's raining now and is supposed to snow later)

I had owned my Zephyr for only about 5 days, and had flown it only twice. I left the Zephyr and the E2 mostly put together (only the standoffs undone) leaning against the wall in the living room hallway. My wife then vacuumed that area (already vacuumed by me sans kites) on her way to putting the vacuum away. The brush roller snagged and sucked up one of the Zephyr's long bridle pigtails, and basically ripped it up. The rest of the kite was not damaged. The Zephyr has extra long pigtails to attach to the flying lines. The extra length is so that the bridle/pigtails/flying lines don't snag on the kite when doing yo-yo/roll-up type moves.

I called Prism to order a new bridle and described what had happened - and told them the truth about it :^) They were great! They will be sending me a whole new bridle (should have shipped on 3/27) at no charge!

Moral: Don't use a vacuum to clean a kite -- it sucks!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Every Which Way the Wind Blows (or Not)

Date: 3/26/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Zephyr on 75', 3d on 10'
Wind: 6 - 0 - 3 - 0 - 6 - 3 - 0 - 5 - 0 - 4 - 0 mph, NW-N-NE-E-SE-S (back-and-forth all afternoon)
Weather: Partly cloudy, 60º

I swapped back and forth between the Zephyr and the 3d depending on the very variable and undependable wind.

I pulled off a couple 360's and a few axels with the 3d.

With the Zephyr I was able to do most of the tricks that I do with the E2 except for a lazy susan. When I tried to back flip the kite it "wanted" to keep flipping into a yo-yo. I did get one yo-yo where I wrapped the lines all the way around the kite once and then flew it for a short bit like that, then unrolled it. I'm not exactly sure what the inputs actually are to initiate the unrolling part.

I think I'm going to really like the Zephyr. It was especially pretty when back-lit by the sun! I can see that it needs a steady gentle wind to do its flying well (and a good "driver" too).

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Zephyr's 1st Flight

Date: 3/25/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines, Zephyr on 75', 3d on 10'
Wind: 6 - 0 mph, NW-W-SW (mostly W, a "zephyr" wind)
Weather: Partly cloudy, 54º

It rained and the wind blew way too hard the last few days. So today I waited until the wind was dying down at the end of the day to go fly on a slightly soggy soccer field.

With the wind still blowing, I started out with my E2. It's new lower leading edge arrived today and I installed it (an easy substitution). The E2 flew slowly, but fades and flares (and therefore flic-flacs) worked very well. I actually did three flic-flacs in a row!

The wind started dying down and so I got out the green Zephyr that arrived two days ago. I flew it on the shorter line set that it came with, 75' of 50# spectra (the other set is 100' of 90#). It flew well, but the wind rapidly died down so I wasn't really able to try many tricks. I'm pretty sure that it's fades are more solid than the E2's. It makes a slight buzzing sound that can be adjusted or eliminated by adjusting the leechline. I'll have to learn more about the other effects and purposes of the leechline.

The wind died down even more and so still needing some exercise, I flew the 3d. I flew some nice relatively tight 360's and a few axels. Fun.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mara's Birthday/Kite Party - Broken Spar

Date: 3/22/09 (12th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines, Dragon Kite
Wind: 6 - 14 mph, ESE
Weather: Partly cloudy, 65º

I attended Mara Ackers' birthday party (she is now 4). She is the daughter of some Irish music friends here in Columbia. She and her friends colored/decorated "sled" kites and then flew them. Actually, not too many of them flew for very long - the kids had short attention spans. The party's location in Cosmo Park had some wind, but it was rather gusty due to being too close to a shelter and to trees. Kites flew OK once you got them up a ways. For a short while I flew a rainbow-colored mylar dragon kite that I bought a long time ago and probably had never flown. Then I got my E2 out to show them some of its tricks. With the wind not being steady and then mostly too strong, I wasn't able to do all of the tricks I can normally do. But they enjoyed watching it loop around the sky. Of course the kids wanted to fly it, which didn't happen. If the kite gets broken, I want it to be me that breaks it... (less hard feelings)

Towards the end I was starting to launch it and noticed an odd wobble. I checked it out and it looks like I've broken a lower leading-edge spar :^( Actually, I'm a little surprised that I haven't broken any spars previously. When I bought this E2 kite I figured that it would probably take some abuse as I started learning more difficult tricks.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Good Day for Fades

Date: 3/21/09 (11th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 5 - 9 mph, S
Weather: Cloudy, 57º

Today I had the top spreader pop-out about four times. Unfortunately, I seem to be doing a lot of lawn-dart style nose-dives. This is probably due to the fades and flic-flacs that I'm working on. I'll have to improve a lot before I try these tricks with the more fragile Zephyr (when it comes).

This was an excellent day for fades. It seemed fairly easy to control them. I worked some on flic-flacs, but they are still coming along very slowly.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy First Day of Spring!

Date: 3/20/09 (10th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 10 - 4 mph, S-SE
Weather: Cloudy, 58º

I received the new upper-spreader fittings from Prism. It was fairly easy to take the old ones off and put the new ones on. I learned more about how the kite is built.

When I flew today, I only had the top spreader pop-out once even though I nose-dived the kite more often and harder than I really wanted to. Yeah (about much fewer pop-outs, not the nose dives)!

I reviewed most of the "Freestyle Pilot" DVD and found a couple new things to try. One is a "new" recovery launch (it's only new to me, and then only because I overlooked it) called "the sleeping beauty." The kite is on its back nose towards the flier. Wind picks up one wing and as it turns over you pull at just the right time to scoop wind under the nose and then fly off. It's fairly easy, but if you goof on this one you end up in the dreaded belly-down nose towards the flier position where only 2% of the time you can succeed with a "dead launch."

Flic-flacs are coming along very slowly.

I seem to be over-popping my 1/2-axels - they often are almost back flipping the kite.

I had a couple really nice side slides that slid all the way to the center of the wind window.

To celebrate the 1st day of Spring (and because it was on my wish list and on sale) I ordered a Citrus (green) Prism Zephyr today. This is a low wind kite and comes with yo-yo stoppers and two line sets. I particularly wanted a UL kite and until I really know what I'm doing I'm going to stick with Prism -- I've had really good experiences so far with them. I can purchase custom made high-end kites when I really know what I want from such a kite.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Usual Plus a Tangle

Date: 3/19/09 (9th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 4 - 9 mph, N-NE
Weather: Sunny, 62º

I flew the usual tricks. It was a good day for practicing flic-flacs which still aren't too good and only work at all with really good wind conditions (light and steady). But today I made a little progress on them. My biggest challenge is to control the amount during the flare portion of the trick.

I did get the lines into a monster tangle that took me 15 minutes to undo. This hasn't happened for a long time. I probably got complacent with being careful with the line set on the ground.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Too Much Wind

Date: 3/18/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 15 - 20 (25?) mph, N
Weather: Cloudy, 66º

I flew my E2 kite for only about 15 minutes because it was just too much wind for this kite and my abilities. I did get a few axels, half-axels, and a few (short) side slides before I quit. I was a little worried that I would not be able to land the kite - but I succeeded.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patricks Day! - Yo-Yo

Date: 3/17/09 - Happy St. Patricks Day!
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 5 - 10 mph, S-SW
Weather: Sunny, 72º

I don't have a green kite (yet) to fly. But I did sandwich my kite flying in between playing Irish music on the sidewalk downtown and playing Irish music at a local pub/restaurant, " Coley's."

I found out that soccer starts happening the last weekend of March. Hopefully, I'll still be able to fly at the Cosmo Park either in a different location or at a different time.

It was a good day to practice the usual variety of tricks.

I did get a yo-yo (with no yo-yo stoppers on the kite) by accident where the kite back-flipped all the way around to regular flying position, flew a bit, and then then unwrapped to fly off.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Another nice low-wind day for flying!

Date: 3/16/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 3 - 8 mph, S-SW
Weather: Sunny, 70º

Another nice low-wind day for flying!

I did some very nice back-flips and lazy-susans including one double-lazy-susan (twice around on its back). Also, it was a good day for fades.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I Discovered the Secret of the Half-Axel

Date: 3/15/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 4 - 8 mph
Weather: Partly sunny/cloudy, 62º

Both yesterday and today were T-shirt-wearing flying weather.

I've found that with my E2 the half-axel only seems to work if the the 1st input is a top-wing push, before the top-wing axel-pull. If I do any kind of input to the bottom wing (other than giving some slack) the half-axel doesn't work at all. I'm not sure if this is true for other kites, too.

Today had some nice back-flips, axel-fade, slides, a little flic-flac progress, and some fades that were more under control.

A very fun day!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Light-wind Day

Date: 3/14/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines, 3d on 20'
Wind: 0 - 6 mph, N
Weather: Sunny, 52º

I fixed the little tear in the E2's sail. Now there are 3 sail repairs :^(

Today's wind varied a lot (in the 0-6 mph range) so I switched back and forth several times between the E2 and 3d.

The wind really was 0 at times - I was able to fly at least 3 360ºs throughout the day.

Another fun combo that I did once was a 1/2 axel pulled to a fade into a flic-flac, and then out to fly away!

It was a good day for some "lazy" 1/2 and full axels.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th - Another hole - Top Spreader Popoffs

Date: 3/13/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 2 - 9 mph, NE-SE
Weather: Sunny, 43º

A nice day, again similar to yesterday, but warmer and with a bit less wind.

I am having problems with 1/2 the 1/2 axels, the ones with the kite flying in from the left and out to the right. The other direction is working mostly very well (but not perfect, yet).

Today the top spreader popping out lots problem got very frustrating. If "Top Spreader Popoffs" were a trick, I would be rather good at it already. And on one occasion, the spreader tore a small hole in the sail (of course, it is Friday the 13th). I will be calling Prism on Monday to see when/if the new part has been sent out.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Date: 3/12/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 4 - 9 mph, E-NE
Weather: Sunny, 35º

This was a nice day similar to yesterday, but with a wind that was a slightly bit more gentle.

I worked on the usual. I did get a Flic-Flac-Flic, the first time for that variation.

The top spreader has been popping out lots. I wish that the new fittings would arrive soon.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Colder weather, brrrr, but still good for flying

Date: 3/11/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 5 - 10 mph, N-NW
Weather: Sunny, 34º

It has turned colder again here, but as long as it's sunny it's not too bad for flying (given a decent wind, of course).

I practiced the usual set of tricks. I haven't had really good conditions for practicing flic-flacs, but did do one that was at about 30ºs off of horizontal. I also succeeded with several flares to fades!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thanks to DST, 15 days in a row!

Date: 3/8/09 (15th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 15 - 8 mph, W
Weather: Cloudy (with an orange sun sunset), 52º

Most of March 7th and 8th had way too much wind to even think of flying a kite (OK, I still thought about flying). The wind finally calmed down around sunset on the 8th, which thanks to daylight savings time starting today, was an hour later.

I practiced the usual tricks, with most working decently. I even pulled off a few flares to fades. But, as the wind got better the day got darker (this often happens at dusk (actually, always for the light, and often for the wind)).

So as I write this (the next day) I know for sure that the "flying 15 days in a row" is now a record for me, and is one that may not get broken for a while - the forecast is for rain. We'll see.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Dog Ate My...

Date: 3/7/09 (14th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 18 - 22 mph, S
Weather: Sunny, 67º (at 8:30 AM)

Well, today the wind was too strong. I went out early hoping to fly before it got extra too strong, but only partially succeeded. I was able to do a few side slides, half-axels, axels, and a back flip or two, before the wind picked up and I was afraid I would break something or not be able to land easily.

In the middle of my time at the park, just after untangling my lines and with the kite staked out and still on the ground, I saw two Great Pyrenees dogs, very large with very thick white fur, coming towards me to check me out. They were very friendly. The younger one, after saying, "Hi (woof)," immediately went over towards my kite lines. I went after him, hoping to prevent a line tangle, and, with one bite, he snapped through the line. Not good :^( After explaining to the owner, about the cost of these high-tech spectra lines, he gave me twenty bucks toward some new lines. Luckily, I had a backup set of lines, which allowed me to fly (or get dragged around) for another half hour before packing up to head home. And soon I will get to learn how to sleeve and set up the lines as a short set, maybe 50' long.

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Workout Flying Without Much Wind

Date: 3/6/09 (13th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: 3d on 20' lines
Wind: 0 - 5 mph, S-SW
Weather: Sunny, 72º

I wore short pants for the first time this year for flying! It was almost too hot - mostly because in addition to the sun's heat, I was running around and moving a lot to keep the 3d up with little wind. I did a couple 360ºs, with one 720º. I also worked on axels with the 3d. The inputs for an axel with the 3d are smaller and I had to make sure to give enough slack for the trick.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Lion That March Is Supposed To Come In As

Date: 3/5/09 (12th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 8 - 18 mph (gusty), S-SW
Weather: Mostly cloudy (sunset), 72º

This day had mostly too much wind (more than I like) and it was a bit gusty, but I decided to fly the E2 anyway to experience a different wind and try some of my recently learned tricks. I was able to practice some slides, back flips, and 1/2 axels. I did get one axel pulled to a sloppy fade (that didn't last). Otherwise, too much wind for my current ability.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Flic-Flac, Flic-Flac

Date: 3/4/09 (11th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines, Jeff's Silver Fox on 100' lines
Wind: 4 - 11 mph, S-SE
Weather: Mostly sunny, 60º

I drove out to fly with Jeff Marshall during his lunch hour. The place he flys is a street, Trade Winds Parkway (a good name for kiting), that probably is destined to become a sub division. Right now it is just fields, which today were muddy enough that I didn't get out my E2. Instead I chatted with Jeff while he flew (if we were both flying at the same time, we'd be yelling across the field to talk). I did flew his Silver Fox kite a couple of times. It is slower, wants to back flip more, and is harder to axel (for me) than my E2. Jeff is learning the axel.

After his lunch hour was over and since it was such a nice day, I drove back to Cosmo Park in Columbia.

The wind was very nice and I was able to do most all of the tricks I've been practicing, though some of the recent new tricks I only did once or twice (axel to a fade, flare to fade).

The new trick for today was a flic-flac! In a flic-flac you go continuously back and forth from a fade to a flare. I heard somewhere that you have to do at least two to call it a flic-flac, ie. starting from a fade: flare-fade-flare-fade. I was able to do the minimum number today, but only once. Other attempts didn't work at all.

My half-axels are coming along. They are not often very clean, but sometimes one will look really good. Apparently, with my E2, the first input I need to do is a push input on the top wing, instead of a pop of the bottom wing. This may be just an idiotsyncracy with my kite, or I might not be doing the lower-wing pop correctly.

I was "interrupted" twice with cellphone calls while flying today. I had to land and secure the kite very quickly and then answer the call. It was good that I answered because it was about a job interview!

A good (long) day of flying!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

First Axel to Fade - Two coin Tosses! - and a Hole - and a Wren

Date: 3/3/09 (10th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 6 - 14 mph (a bit gusty), SW-WSW
Weather: Partly sunny (sunset), 41º

First, to get the bad news out of the way: One end of the top spreader still keeps coming out. When I talked to Prism support (Brent was great) to resolve the sail tensioner problem, I also mentioned the top spreader. He thinks that the fittings are too old/loose so he will send me a couple of new ones that should fix the problem. In the mean time, the top spreader came out today and ripped a half-inch hole in the sail (right next to the other repaired hole). I still flew it for another half hour, but was more careful with what tricks I tried. This evening I fixed the hole with Tedlar Tape.

Now for the good stuff - I had two "first time for a trick" tricks today, an axel to a (controlled) fade (to a lateral roll), and twice I did a Coin Toss! A Coin Toss is where the kite has only one wing tip on the ground (a wing tip stand), then you launch immediately into an axel, exiting the axel into a wing tip stand on the other wing tip. The other times I tried this it axeled to a crash.

I've ordered a Wren (green and purple). This is a kite that was no longer available, but now apparently is available again. Herb at "Mainframe Kite Shop" did the checking on this for me - thank you, Herb! It will be a couple weeks before its ready. According to a bunch of people, the Wren is a great first kite for indoor (or no wind) flying. It is supposted to be very "floaty." Now I have to do some more leg work to find an indoor venue for flying.

A Flare in the Air ... to a Fade

Date: 3/2/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 1 - 10 mph, NE-ESE
Weather: Partly sunny, 34º

This was a flustrating day. the wind seemed to vary direction and speed from moment to moment. I had a lot of wing tip tangles. The sail tensioner I just received from Prism didn't stay tied (it might be the wrong length?).

I had some good fades (especially considering the wind).

New trick (for me): I did a flare (in the air) to a fade!

Half-axels: After doing some research online, I discovered that what I was doing for this trick was not quite correct. Being a bit dyslexic is not helping for htis trick. Trying to do it the correct way mostly just caused a lot of crashes :^( I was able to do a couple rather sloppy ones though.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Almost Like Yesterday Once More

Date: 3/1/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 3 - 6 mph, N-NNW
Weather: Partly sunny (sunset), 30º

Today's wind was almost identical to yesterday's! Again I was able to launch a bunch of times from the ground into fades and then control those fades.The half-axels where OK, too. (Actually, I'm not sure now if what I'm doing is really a half-axel or not. I'll look for some more info online.)

One new thing that happened was I accidentally did something (axel-ish) about halfway up the side of the wind window and ended up in a fade which I was able to hold and then, when I wanted to do it, lateral rolled out to a normal flying position!

I did one downwind glide, but had to run fairly fast to hold it for a ways.

Another fun day for flying - maybe a little chilly. I flew about an hour until it was too dark (with sunglasses on) to see the lines.