Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Date: 10/31/2011
Place: 100 Acres Park, Moorhead, MN
Kites: Rev 1.5-b "Sunset" 4-wrap on 70'
Wind: 15 to 20 mph (gusty), S
Weather: Mostly Sunny, 57ยบ
14 flights at $23/flight

Today's wind had lots of gusts, more than I've dealt with before. It felt a lot more gusty even with the vented kite. I just flew the usual types of patterns, mostly trying to maintain control in the variable wind. There were heavy clouds to the west so the sun set early behind them rather than at the ground horizon. I'm not sure how many more evenings after work I'll be able to fly outside, probably only the rest of this week. This coming weekend is the change to DST and then also on Monday I switch to a 10am - 7pm work schedule for the rest of November. I could them fly in the morning before work, but then, of course it will be much colder. Brrrr.

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