Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Race Through the Sky

Date: 10/19/2011
Place: 100 Acres Park, Moorhead, MN
Kites: Rev 1.5-b "Sunset" Race on 75'
Wind: 8 to 10 mph, NE
Weather: Sunny, 45ยบ

This was the first time I used the race frame with a Rev kite. And it worked great! Even though the wind was on the lite side for the vented sail, the frame made the kite light and responsive.

For some reason I really like practicing horizontal flying with downward turns at the sides without losing altitude.

I drove directly to the park after work. During this flying session I was looking almost directly into the sun and the kite's sunset colored panels again shimmered with the backlight of the setting sun.

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