Saturday, October 22, 2011

Extra Spins in the Middle

Date: 10/22/2011, Saturday
Place: 100 Acres Park, Moorhead, MN
Kites: Rev 1.5-b "Sunset" 4-wrap on 70'
Wind: 10 to 15 mph, S (gusts to 20 mph)
Weather: Sunny, 64º

The wind switched 180º since yesterday and so the sun was at my back today. And it's warmer, too. The vented Rev was again the best choice for the wind that insists on regularly blowing fairly hard in the Fargo/Moorhead area. This fall has actually been very nice without any snow or nasty cold fall rain. The days have been almost all sunny with some wind.

I practiced the usual and added some spins. On the horizontal passes I tried to add a single propeller spin in the center exiting straight sideways. I also tried figure eights (actually infinity signs), first as usual, then with an extra spin in the center.

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