Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Only One-half Handle Twist

Date: 10/18/2011
Place: 100 Acres Park, Moorhead, MN
Kites: Rev 1.5-b "Sunset" 4-wrap on 75'
Wind: 12 to 18 mph (gusts to 25), N
Weather: Sunny, 44ยบ

When setting up this kite, when I picked up the handles there was only a half-twist to undo with one hand before the handles/lines were read for launching the kite. Usually there are several handle twists and the left and right sets are also twisted, and many times one handle has been passed through the lines of the other handle. It's usually a challenge getting the lines untangled -- Urrrg.  Today was happily easy.

The setting sun made the "sunset" kite shimmer as different panels in the sail caught different amounts of backlighting from the sun! Very beautiful!

It was quite a bit colder today than yesterday. Brrrr. I drove straight from work to the park to fly.

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