Monday, September 14, 2009

The Wind Out of the Sun

Date: 9/14/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12'
Wind: 1 - 4 mph, NE
Weather: Mostly sunny, 64º

The sun is getting up later and later. I flew my Echo mostly before the spectacular sunrise. The wind was coming straight out of the sun.

Several times to get downwind I had to fly 360s with a traveling circle pattern -- moving backwards faster when facing into the wind and almost turning in one place when facing downwind.

Backflips only worked marginally. I did one (accidental) backflip into a yo-yo. The Echo doesn't have yo-yo stoppers and it didn't fly well at all in a yo-yo wrap, and then wouldn't unwrap in the air. I had to unwrap it by hand.

I flew into a fade once, and flew out of fades fairly consistently.

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