Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Heavy Zephyr with a Lite Tail

Date: 9/15/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Zephyr on 65'
Wind: 4 - 7 mph, E
Weather: Cloudy, 65º

The Zephyr seemed very heavy in the lite-ish wind after the past few days of Echo flying. The Zephyr also has lost its tail weight (today?). Without the tail weight it doesn't do 540s and backspins very well. I was still able to do a couple 540s, but they were sloppy and not at all snappy. I was able to fly this kite into a few yo-yos and one even unwrapped into a fade! Axels and 1/2-axels were fun today.

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