Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Date: 9/2/09

Place: Skye Wynd backyard, Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12'
Wind: 0 - .25 mph
Weather: Sunny (but flew in the shade), 58º

I woke up late and didn't have time to drive over to Cosmo Park. So I did a short fly in my backyard. I did the usual 360s, up-and-overs, and axels. Several times I wasn't paying attention and tried to throw the Echo out for a launch with the line still wrapped around a wingtip. This, of course, doesn't work at all.

Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Zephyr on 70'
Wind: 8 - 3 mph, E
Weather: Sunny, 71º

This evening's flying was while looking towards the setting sun. The green Zephyr looks great back lit. An almost full moon was rising. At one point the sky held a setting sun, rising full moon, a large flock of black birds, a jet contrail, and my Zephyr!

I did some fades, flic-flacs, yo-yo's, 1/2-axels, and two sloppy 540s. Twice I got a 1/2 yo-yo (only one side wrapped) which just settled all the way to the ground. And I had one fairly nice helicopter, a trick I've not done before with the Zephyr.

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