Monday, September 7, 2009

The Echo Fade Secret

Date: 9/7/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Echo on 12'
Wind: 0 - 1 mph, NEWS???
Weather: Lite fog - cloudy, 67º

At the start of this morning's flying there was a very light breeze from the NE. (It later changed to a lighter breeze that constantly changed direction). While the wind was mostly from the NE, I practiced doing Helicopters. And that went really well. I was initiating the trick much more consistently. At least with a very light wind, you fly the kite towards the side near the top of the wind window and then you initiate a turn towards the outside. This might be just a little different in a true no-wind situation.

I also discovered the secret to popping the Echo into a fade from the ground! The kite doesn't pop-up from the ground well. Trying to pull it into a fade from the ground usually just causes it to pop up vertically, and then lawn dart straight into the ground. But, if the kite's tail is about 30 - 40º up from the nose, then a quick pull on the lines pops the kite into a fade.

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