Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dark at 7:15 pm

Date: 9/29/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: 3d on 20', Echo on 12'
Wind: 3 ---> 0 mph, NW
Weather: Sunny sunset, 65º

I flew from after work (5:45 pm) until dark (7:15 pm). I was a very nice sunset with a gibbous moon.

With the 3d it was a little disappointing, probably due to the wrong wind for this kite. I did some low/slow axels and one more-or-less helicopter spiral, and 2 0r 3 me-moving-fast 360s, but was not able to do an up-and-over with this kite.

With the Echo all it's tricks worked well including a couple up-and-overs into fades!

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