Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A small hole-punch in my E2

Date: 9/16/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 4 - 8 mph, NE
Weather: Partly sunny, 76º

This flying session was a good one for me with the E2. Except for the small (top spreader size) hole I punched into the E2's sail. I thought the spreader was going into the fitting just fine, when it slipped and punched a small hole near the other repairs in the the sail. I decided to keep flying even with the hole, but not try any radical maneuvers (like I really know any super radical tricks (other than a wicked "lawn dart"!)).

Left and right 540s went OK, but only right-handed backspins worked today. I did some "old favorites" such as backflips, lazy susans, fades, and flic-flacs -- I even got a really nice side slide.

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