Sunday, September 27, 2009

On a little hill

Date: 9/27/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Beetle on 90', Micron on 65'
Wind: 8 - 15 mph (gusty), SSE
Weather: Mostly sunny, 70º

It was a nice sunny day at Cosmo and there was several fields of Little League Flag Football going on. I flew the Beetle (first time since it came back after the bridle was redone) and it worked just fine. I flew it with the "stock" Dacron line that came with this kite. It is definitely a good beginner kite, very forgiving.

Then I flew the Micron on a little hill (8' high) between a very small soccer field and a walking path. And there was "enough" wind for this little kite today! This little kite is fast, fast, fast! I did a lot of loops, 8's, dives, and traverses (and a few crashes).

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