Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My kite flew across the moon

Date: 9/8/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: 3d on 20'
Wind: 2 - 5 mph, NE
Weather: Partly cloudy, 68º

When I left the house I thought there was no wind. On the way to the park I saw some flags and thought that it would be enough wind to fly the Zephyr. But it turned out to be in-between -- a 3d wind. It was nice flying my kite so that it crossed over and flew around the 3/4-moon. At one point, one of the bridle knots slipped and it caused the kite to not feel right while flying. I fixed it and the kite flew true again. I was able to fly the 3d into and out of fades a few times.

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