Friday, February 20, 2009

Pancakes to Fade (from the Ground)

Date: 2/20/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 4-8 mph, ESE
Weather: Mostly sunny, 46º

I started this session with side slides and then snap stalls. Yup, I actually practiced some basics before trying harder tricks.

I went to the flying field thinking there would be no wind and that I would work on the "Pancake (from the ground) to Fade" trick with short lines. But there was a a great gentle wind so I attached long (85') lines. The kite ended up on the ground several times in the Pancake position (belly down, nose away) so I tried pulling it to a Fade not thinking I would have any success, but actually succeeded three times! The fades where very sloppy and I was not able to hold them very long at all. But I'm at least accomplishing some of the pieces that will be put together into some fun tricks.

My favorite flying wind is definitely light and steady.

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