Thursday, February 12, 2009

360ºs with 3D!

Date: 2/12/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: 3d on 6' and 10' lines
Wind: 3-0 mph
Weather: partly cloudy, 48º

With almost no wind, I flew my 3d kite. It was quite the workout - backing up, walking, running - to keep the 3d flying. The ground was a bit soggy, and I thought for sure I would slip, but managed to keep upright. For shoes I wore Crocs, which work great for me - they have good traction, good cushioning, and are very easy to wash later back at home.

I tried, and finally succeeded, flying a 360º! The kite flies all the way around you, while you back up in a circle. I was able to do it several times, but not every time. I may have had one 720º, but got pretty dizzy.

I also had a few successful "throw" launches where you throw the kite out backwards horizontally, and then when it reaches the end of the lines, you pull to rotate the kite up for a launch.

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