Tuesday, February 17, 2009

6th Day in a Row

Date: 2/17/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 10-14 mph, SSE
Weather: cloudy, 46º

The wind was good and it wasn't too cold. I practiced the usual tricks. I seemed to get a lot of wing-tip line wraps (crashes) today.

I did start to try a new trick, the half-axel. The kite flys horizontally across the wind window, then axels (flips around horizontally) around 180º and the kite then flys out horizontally in the opposite direction from which it started. I had one that seemed to be done correctly, but most of my trys ended in crashes.

The big question now is - will the weather be good tomorrow for a seventh day in a row of flying? Stay tuned. (the weather report doesn't look good)

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