Sunday, February 8, 2009

4th Day in a Row

Date: 2/8/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: 3d on 20' and 10' lines
Wind: 2-5 mph
Weather: cloudy, 50º

This was the fourth day in a row with decent flying conditions. It's nice being unemployed for now - more time/opportunities for flying. On the other hand, I will need a job in order to fund this hobby.

After the progress I've made with the E2 it was interesting flying the 3d in low wind again. It doesn't appear to be able to axel or back flip, though it may be an inexperienced operator :^) A couple times I was able to fly it about 330º around myself before crashing, but no 360º's.

The 20' lines that came with this kite are a tan-ish brown color and I'm finding it very difficult to see them while flying over brown grass (and recovering from crashes). The 10' lines I have are white -much easier to see. Flying with such short lines makes it very easy to see how the lines get looped around the kite and then recover from such tangles.

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