Monday, February 2, 2009

Back flip (not me, the kite); Flying after a job interview

Date: 2/2/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 2-5 mph
Weather: sunset, 52º

At 2:00 I had a job interview with Columbia College. I think it went very well. Now it's a waiting game. Since my brain was shot after the interview that included a half-hour teaching session for them, and since it was a super nice day, I decided to do a quick kite fly. No, they did not tell me to, "Go fly a kite!"

It was a warm day with the wind and a sunset at my back. Low winds allowed me to try a few new tricks. I had some success back flipping the kite and recovering. I'm also starting to try some axels, and actually doing a few (sloppy ones). I need to look at the axel section in the Freestyle Pilot DVD again.

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