Sunday, February 15, 2009

Potential O-ring Malfunction

Date: 2/15/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 8-3 mph
Weather: sunny, 38º

It's good to have the E2 back on its 85' lines with a slightly stronger wind.

- right and left-handed axels
- 2 fades, launched off my balled-up coat
- several cartwheel launches
- 1 dead launch
- slides (still not sliding very far)
- back flips
- lazy susans

The sun was partly in my eyes (at the 2:00 position as I faced down wind) so I mostly concentrated on tricks in the left side of the wind window.

I noticed today that one of the rubber O-rings on my E2 is about half-way broken. (So the kite might explode like the space shuttle did due to its O-ring problem.) The E2's O-rings tension the sail to the wing tips. So it's time to place an order for a spare part or two (before it blows up).

Another fun day of flying. I'm still a little surprised, and pleased, that Columbia, MO has had so many nice-weather days for kite flying, and a nice variety of winds too, in January and February!

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