Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fading into an Icy Sunset

Date: 2/28/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 3 - 6 mph, N
Weather: Mostly sunny (sunset), 30º

Today's wind was "kinder" and more steady than yesterday. The day was cloudy and cold until about 4:30 when the sun came out. I flew during the beautiful sunset and until it was too dark to see the lines.

I was able to launch a bunch of times from the ground into fades and then control those fades much better than before (helped a lot by a very good wind). Flares are not coming along much at all, with only an occasional good one, but on one of the good ones today I then pulled the flare into a fade! I was so surprised that it worked that I wasn't able to hold that fade very long at all.

I made great progress on the half-axel hunt, bagging some marginally formed ones and maybe even a good one. The wind was slow enough that it allowed me more time for the correct moves. At least I think that my half-axels are what a half-axel is supposed to be.

A note about this February: I didn't fly a kite on only six days this month (3rd, 4th, 9th, 11th, 18th, 21st)! This has been a great month for kite flying for me with a nice selection of winds, sun, clouds, some new tricks that I'm doing well at, a new kite friend - all in all, a very fun flying month!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Pursuing the Elusive Half-Axel

Date: 2/27/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 2 - 7 mph, N
Weather: Cloudy, 35º

The lighter winds were nice. I had several mostly in-control fades, the best yet without someone (Jeff) launching the fade for me.

I tried to do a half-axel where the kite flys horizontally across the wind window, then axels 180º before flying horizontally back in the other direction. But the elusive half-axel could not be found at all. I'll have to hunt for it again another day.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Date: 2/26/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 10 - 20 mph, S
Weather: Cloudy, 62º

It's fun to fly on my birthday (probably wouldn't have happened in Minnesota). Maybe I'm officially entering a second childhood where I can fly lots of kites again. Though, come to think of it, I didn't fly lots of kites as a child - some of course - so now I have to make up for it.

On the 26th, the wind was stronger than I like, but it was still able to teach me. I was able to launch to a fade a couple of times. But was only able to do one back flip due to the strong winds. Usually the back flips work in higher winds than some of my (few) other tricks, but not today.

I had hoped to try some half-axels, but those will need a much lighter wind.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

First Time Flying With Jeff

Date: 2/25/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' and 20' lines
Wind: 10 - 2 mph, SW -> W -> SW -> W -> NNW
Weather: Sunny, 69º (I love these warm Missouri winter days!)

I flew today for the first time with Jeff Marshall. I'm glad to have found a friend who has about the same interest level (a lot) and ability (novice) with dual-string stunt kites!

Jeff flies a Silver Fox 2.5 UL and often flies during his lunch hours a few miles east of Columbia. We flew each others' kites for a while. His Silver Fox was more precise, a little slower (this can be a good thing), and a bit more noisy than my E2. The E2 was quieter and generally a bit more unstable (trickable?). I was more or less able to do the same tricks with the Silver Fox that I do with my E2. Axels seem to fly more in slow motion, and maybe are a little easier to initiate with the Silver Fox.

We took turns hand-launching the kites into fades for each other. This worked extremely well. We both had some great (for us) fades! A couple of mine even rose up high enough for me to get out of the fade with a lateral-roll to a regular flying position and then fly away rather than do the infamous lawn-dart impersonation that happened most of the time. Later on my own I even had a few ground pancakes that I pulled into decent fades.

I practiced the usual tricks with about the usual results. The day was very warm (T-shirt weather) with generally a very nice wind.

I had Jeff take a few photos with my camera of me and my kites. I hope to post these soon.

At the end of the day when the wind really started dying down I switched to 20' lines and mostly practiced the ground pancakes into fades.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Can Snap My Fingers, But Can't Snap Stall My Kite

Date: 2/24/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 4 - 10 - 4 - 14 - 3 - 8 mph, S
Weather: Cloudy, 50º

My snap stalls are not working very well :^( I need to review that section of the "Freestyle Pilot" DVD.

I did do a few slightly better side slides :^)

The wind speed was very variable today - lots of bridle adjustments.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Usual Suspects

Date: 2/23/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 3-8 mph, ESE
Weather: Mostly sunny, 40º

In this session, along with the usual (side slides, snap stalls, back flips, lazy susans, axels), I did get one pancake off the ground pulled up to a fade that I held for a few seconds!

One end of the upper spreader has been coming out more often during crashes - about three times today.

Personally, my person/body has never been able to do cartwheels, but my kite was able to do lots of cartwheel launches today.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Short Stack of Fading Pancakes

Date: 2/22/09
Place: Skye Wynd Backyard, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 18' lines
Wind: 0-2 mph, NNW
Weather: Sunny, 40º

I spent 30 minutes in my back yard with very short lines practicing the pancake position on the ground pulled up to a fade. This was a good idea and I'm starting to get the feel for the trick. It will probably feel different with actual wind and longer lines, but I think this kind of practice definitely helps.

I've gotten behind on my posting - too much flying, plus some other mundane stuff taking up my time :^)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Pancakes to Fade (from the Ground)

Date: 2/20/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 4-8 mph, ESE
Weather: Mostly sunny, 46º

I started this session with side slides and then snap stalls. Yup, I actually practiced some basics before trying harder tricks.

I went to the flying field thinking there would be no wind and that I would work on the "Pancake (from the ground) to Fade" trick with short lines. But there was a a great gentle wind so I attached long (85') lines. The kite ended up on the ground several times in the Pancake position (belly down, nose away) so I tried pulling it to a Fade not thinking I would have any success, but actually succeeded three times! The fades where very sloppy and I was not able to hold them very long at all. But I'm at least accomplishing some of the pieces that will be put together into some fun tricks.

My favorite flying wind is definitely light and steady.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Send up a Flare

Date: 2/19/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 6-10 mph, WNW
Weather: Sunny, 30º

The 30º felt much warmer due to the nice sunny sun.

New trick: I was able to "throw" two flares! I flew the kite downward and then threw my hands forward while also stepping forward. This throws the nose of the kite away from the flyer (me) killing the forward speed so that the kite is totally parallel to the ground nose away, belly down. Of course this trick is going to take a lot of time to master (like all the rest) and will be helped by gentle winds.

I also had a back flip (aka a turtle) that I nursed almost all the way from the top center of the wind window to the bottom.

All the other tricks I've learned and have been practicing have not really improved much. Learning (and flying a kite) always has its ups and downs.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

6th Day in a Row

Date: 2/17/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 10-14 mph, SSE
Weather: cloudy, 46º

The wind was good and it wasn't too cold. I practiced the usual tricks. I seemed to get a lot of wing-tip line wraps (crashes) today.

I did start to try a new trick, the half-axel. The kite flys horizontally across the wind window, then axels (flips around horizontally) around 180º and the kite then flys out horizontally in the opposite direction from which it started. I had one that seemed to be done correctly, but most of my trys ended in crashes.

The big question now is - will the weather be good tomorrow for a seventh day in a row of flying? Stay tuned. (the weather report doesn't look good)

Monday, February 16, 2009

President's Day

Date: 2/16/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 5-9 mph SE
Weather: sunny (sunset), 40º

I'm pretty much practicing the same tricks as the last few days:
- right and left-handed axels
- several cartwheel launches
- slides (still not sliding very far)
- back flips
- lazy susans

It was wonderful flying as the sun set. And as it set the wind got sweeter, and more gentle as it slowly got lighter (the wind) and darker (the sky). It was so much fun I flew until it was almost dark!

The O-ring on the left wing-tip did break (luckily, after I got home). I now have a set of tensioners on order from Prism.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Potential O-ring Malfunction

Date: 2/15/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 8-3 mph
Weather: sunny, 38º

It's good to have the E2 back on its 85' lines with a slightly stronger wind.

- right and left-handed axels
- 2 fades, launched off my balled-up coat
- several cartwheel launches
- 1 dead launch
- slides (still not sliding very far)
- back flips
- lazy susans

The sun was partly in my eyes (at the 2:00 position as I faced down wind) so I mostly concentrated on tricks in the left side of the wind window.

I noticed today that one of the rubber O-rings on my E2 is about half-way broken. (So the kite might explode like the space shuttle did due to its O-ring problem.) The E2's O-rings tension the sail to the wing tips. So it's time to place an order for a spare part or two (before it blows up).

Another fun day of flying. I'm still a little surprised, and pleased, that Columbia, MO has had so many nice-weather days for kite flying, and a nice variety of winds too, in January and February!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day - It Fades So Quickly

Date: 2/14/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 20' lines
Wind: 2-5 mph
Weather: sunny, 40º

I started off with 85' lines but quickly realized that there was not enough wind for the E2's standard lines (85' 150#). I think the weight of the lines was a bit of a problem. You wouldn't think that the line's would weigh enough to make a difference, but it does. So I tried the 3D's 20' lines. This worked much better, but I think that 20' is just a little too short for a kite as big as the E2 (91" wingspan).

With the short lines I was rarely able to fly a tight enough loop without crashing. This may also be due to the bridle adjustment for very light winds. On the other hand, I was able to do axels - both right and left-handed!

I did lots of cartwheel launches - easy due to being able to see exactly how the lines were tangled around the kite. I did a few back flips and a lazy susan, but found that these tricks are harder to do (for me, at least) with short lines. I did try two 360ºs and only succeeded with 180ºs. :^)

And I succeeded with a few "fades", a new trick for me! The fade is flying/floating the kite horizontally with its nose toward you and its belly up. I don't know the proper or usual ways to get into a fade, but I found that if I placed the kite on the ground in the fade position with my balled-up coat under its nose, and then waited for the wind to raise up the nose, it would start a fade. So sue me if this is a cheating. Anyway, it's tricky enough to fly a fade because the lines are crossed (so right is left, and left is right (and I'm dyslexic!)) and very subtle changes in line tension affect the fade. Plus, the kite's nose bobs up and down during a fade, which I understand is normal, but mine did a lot of bobbing - just before diving towards the ground. It was fun to succeed a little with this trick.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Date: 2/13/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 15-20 mph
Weather: mostly cloudy, 48º

Even though it was Friday the 13th, I decided to try my luck anyway. It turned out to be a fine day of flying with nothing unlucky or bad happening.

- several good back flips
- a couple lazy susans
- lots of right-handed axels (1 left-handed, but it's very awkward with the left hand)
- 1 dead launch

I would really like to get some 30 or 50' lines. I think it would really help learn some new tricks being able to see the kite closer and have a more immediate response with the lines (less line to stretch or hang-down slightly while flying).

Thursday, February 12, 2009

360ºs with 3D!

Date: 2/12/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: 3d on 6' and 10' lines
Wind: 3-0 mph
Weather: partly cloudy, 48º

With almost no wind, I flew my 3d kite. It was quite the workout - backing up, walking, running - to keep the 3d flying. The ground was a bit soggy, and I thought for sure I would slip, but managed to keep upright. For shoes I wore Crocs, which work great for me - they have good traction, good cushioning, and are very easy to wash later back at home.

I tried, and finally succeeded, flying a 360º! The kite flies all the way around you, while you back up in a circle. I was able to do it several times, but not every time. I may have had one 720º, but got pretty dizzy.

I also had a few successful "throw" launches where you throw the kite out backwards horizontally, and then when it reaches the end of the lines, you pull to rotate the kite up for a launch.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

An Exceptionally Lazy Susan

Date: 2/10/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 10-15 mph
Weather: sunny, 68º

I did a lazy susan with two rotations (720ºs)!

- several good back flips
- lots of right-handed axels
- 2 or 3 OK side slides

So far I've been only trying axels where I pull the kite into the axel with my right hand. Also, most of the time the kite exits out of the axel flying directly to the right parallel to the ground. I don't have much control over axels yet.

This was a really fun day for flying!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

4th Day in a Row

Date: 2/8/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: 3d on 20' and 10' lines
Wind: 2-5 mph
Weather: cloudy, 50º

This was the fourth day in a row with decent flying conditions. It's nice being unemployed for now - more time/opportunities for flying. On the other hand, I will need a job in order to fund this hobby.

After the progress I've made with the E2 it was interesting flying the 3d in low wind again. It doesn't appear to be able to axel or back flip, though it may be an inexperienced operator :^) A couple times I was able to fly it about 330º around myself before crashing, but no 360º's.

The 20' lines that came with this kite are a tan-ish brown color and I'm finding it very difficult to see them while flying over brown grass (and recovering from crashes). The 10' lines I have are white -much easier to see. Flying with such short lines makes it very easy to see how the lines get looped around the kite and then recover from such tangles.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Flying Across the Moon

Date: 2/7/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 15, calming down to, 5 mph
Weather: partly sunny, 68º

There was an almost full moon in the direction I was facing while flying. So, of course, I had to fly my kite across it and loop around it!

I was able to pull off several decent axels, a couple back flips. My side slides are not improving much. I really should work (play?) on them more, but it's so much fun trying the "more advanced" tricks (though maybe the side slide is more advanced).

After packing up at the end of the day (wind dying down, sky darkening) I noticed someone flying a dual-line parafoil in another part of the park. I went over and met Carl J. We exchanged numbers - maybe I'll get to fly with him sometime.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Drive a stake into...

Date: 2/6/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 15-20 mph, gusty
Weather: sunny, 66º

Another beautiful day for flying! With a higher wind again, I tried a new technique (for me) for launching. I drove a stake (actually an old screwdriver) into the ground and looped the wrist straps over it. I then stretched the lines to the kite which was set on its wing tips leaning back at a 45º angle, held there by the wind, waiting to be launched.

Even though the wind was higher, with the E2 kite adjusted for it, some of the tricks still seemed to work OK. I was even able to get a few decent axels!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

First Lazy Susan

Date: 2/5/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 15 mph, slowly dropping to 4 mph
Weather: sunny, 52º

It was a good day for trying some new tricks. I did a couple decent back flips into lazy susans. The kite flips onto its back (at the top of the wind window straight down wind) with its belly up and nose pointed away - then pulling on one line makes it do the lazy susan, a 360º rotation, totally parallel to the ground.

I also made some progress on the axels. I have to fly around and watch until the kite happens to be in the correct position, then the axel works OK. I can't do one whenever I want to yet.

I also had one successful dead launch (the kite is belly down, nose toward me) and a bunch of unsuccessful ones. And a few cartwheel launches worked.

I also tried a new launch technique for when it's windy enough that you worry (rightly) that the kite will blow away before you get back to the end of the lines. You put the kite into a standard launch position, belly up, nose pointed away. Then roll the tail end up and over away from you so that the kite is now belly down, nose towards you, and the lines go from you over the top to the back and then back under the kite to the bridle. Then to launch, you pull the lines so that it rolls into a good launch position. (hope that's not too confusing)

I think I need to get a stake for launching.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Back flip (not me, the kite); Flying after a job interview

Date: 2/2/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 2-5 mph
Weather: sunset, 52º

At 2:00 I had a job interview with Columbia College. I think it went very well. Now it's a waiting game. Since my brain was shot after the interview that included a half-hour teaching session for them, and since it was a super nice day, I decided to do a quick kite fly. No, they did not tell me to, "Go fly a kite!"

It was a warm day with the wind and a sunset at my back. Low winds allowed me to try a few new tricks. I had some success back flipping the kite and recovering. I'm also starting to try some axels, and actually doing a few (sloppy ones). I need to look at the axel section in the Freestyle Pilot DVD again.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Low Wind Fun

Date: 2/1/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85' lines
Wind: 3-6 mph
Weather: cloudy, 43º

For a change, I got to fly the E2 in low wind. I got to practice launching and landing, and some slides. I'm still not too good at the side slide. I think I like flying in a low wind more than a strong wind. And a steady wind of any kind is better than gusty.