Monday, May 4, 2009

Super Lazy Susan (x6)

Date: 5/4/09
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: Zephyr on 100'
Wind: 0 - 8 mph, SE
Weather: Partly sunny, 67º

This is the first time I flew the Zephyr on its longer line-set (100'). I have wanted to do this for a while now, but always picked the shorter lines for really low wind or the E2 for a little higher wind. It flew very well and had a slightly different feel to it - a marginally slower response to inputs.

I did some yo-yo's but no fruit roll-ups. And flew most of the usual tricks. I tried some 540s and succeeded with a few. The 540 with the Zephyr has a different feel to it during the recover stage of the trick than with the E2.

I did a multi-lazy susan where every time the kite came around I pulled gently again to keep it rotating (and minded the slack well) and got at least 6 (but maybe 7) rotations before it reached the ground! I was so amazed that the rotations kept succeeding that I didn't even try to recover to fly off - I just kept pulling the rotations.

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