Friday, May 8, 2009

(I can't think of a good title)

Date: 5/8/09 (11th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85'
Wind: 3-9 mph, SW
Weather: Mostly sunny (humid), 75º

It rained and thundered a lot last night and this morning, but the day cleared off by afternoon. It's humid, at least by this Montana boy's standards (I know -- just wait until the real Missouri summer happens). I just had to fly today to add to my good string of "days-in-a-row."

I did two more backspins (still shaky). I still need to work on recovering from them. I kind of flew conservatively today because I didn't want to break the kite before going to the "Kites Over Grinnell" festival tomorrow. It was a good afternoon to fly a kite.

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