Friday, May 22, 2009

E2 Backspins, Yes -- Zephyr Backspins, No

Date: 5/22/09 (25th day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85', Zephyr on 70'
Wind: 8 - 2 mph, SW
Weather: Sunny, 70º

I started with the E2 and had some good backspins, fades, and flares. Then as the wind slowly died down I switched to the Zephyr. I had as a goal for the day to backspin the Zephyr. I failed at it. Maybe the Zephyr needs to have the tail weight installed before it can backspin (and 540). Or maybe the flier (me) needs to get better at it :^)

I was able to pull off a nice combo with the Zephyr: Yo-yo to backflip to lazy susan to a yo-yo unwrap.

As the wind died down it became difficult to fly a fade, though with the Zephyr the fades feel more stable than fades with the E2.

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