Friday, May 29, 2009

540s and Backspins With My Zephyr!

Date: 5/29/09 (32nd day in a row)
Place: Cosmo Park, Columbia, MO
Kites: E2 on 85', Zephyr on 90'
Wind: 1 - 8 mph, SW
Weather: Sunny, 70-75º

The wind was a little light today so it was a challenge to keep the kites up and many times I ended up carrying the kite downwind the length of the field.

I tried the Zephyr first as usual. Then I put in the extra tail weight that came with the kite (17.5 grams). This was the first time I tried the tail weight. It did seem to fly a little slower and "heavier" but the extra weight didn't affect most of the tricks too much at all. It did affect the 540s and backspins! Both of these tricks, which had never worked without the weight, worked just fine with the weight. I flew several of each of the tricks to confirm that the kite was generally able to do them with the extra weight.

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